Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Team Treasuries made for September 2009

This is a team list of treasury makers for the month of September. When you make a team treasury, featuring at least 6 of your mates you will get a star next to your Shop Name. I think this will be motivating! I know it is for me...I want to have the MOST stars (:
The date before the shop names is the month the member joined so we can keep track of that too.

Note: * = 1 treasury; ^ = 5 treasuries

Who has made a Treasury:
5/09 BeckyM *
5/09 BetsybDesign **
8/09 BlueNostalgia ****
6/09 BovineBubbles *
5/09 BrownBagVintage****
6/09 CarvelCountrySoaps**
5/09 CatherineReece**
5/09 CyndieSmithDesigns ^****
6/09 Eclu*
6/09 EdensWake ****
6/09 Elefint
6/09 FiveForty^
6/09 Glassetc/PhoFun ^***
6/09 Handamade^^
6/09 hcHappyCat**
5/09 InboundThread*
6/09 Ixela ^**
5/09 Jenji1
6/09 JennyNDesign/EightFold ****
5/09 JenSanCandles ^***
5/09 JewelsOfEden
6/09 JuicyGraphics/JustineNielsen ^
8/09 LaChiffonniere/AnnyMay ^
5/09 LinenMe**
5/09 Mamachee*
6/09 Mandag ***
5/09 MooShooPork/LittlePapoose*
8/09 NancyWallisDesigns ^****
5/09 OrganicOdysseys/PolkaDotSandals/AlmostArtifacts **
5/09 PipingHotPapers^**
6/09 SarahJohnAfana/Schemata^
7/09 SayYourPiece***
6/09 SmallEarthVintage****
7/09 Sooooound**
5/09 TheNightjar ***
5/09 TrendyKnitting/EliteBrides***
6/09 VintageAimee*
6/09 VintageConfections***