Sunday, May 31, 2009

A good read about treasuries and supporting....

Here are some great ideas for making super duper treasuries:

1) Use the poster sketch so that you are ready when a Treasury opens
2)Create a treasury by theme Ex: Tone, Emotion, Color(s), Shape, Holiday, An Object….
3)Create a treasury by simply putting together some of your favorites.
4)Its good to have a divers list of items in your treasury…unless you are going for a certain/specific theme. You normally wouldn't want more than say...2 necklaces, 2 blankets etc..
5)Have a good span of prices
6)Don’t sacrifice a gorgeous treasury featuring 6 team members just to squeeze one more team member in…if you can’t find another team item that “works” then just move on. Of course it would be great to use as many team members as possible but….I know you understand what I’m saying here ( :
7)Use the themes of the Month Ex: Mothers Day, Thanksgiving, Valentines….
8)Always take note of the front page picks so that you can get an idea of the trends and style of etsy.
9) Make sure to fill up all of the alternatives in your treasury. When one of the items on the front page gets sold the alternative replaces the sold item. Etsy Admin will only choose a treasury that has the whole treasury full. Make sure that the items in your alternatives are just as good and fit just as well as everything else.
10) Do not feature yourself in a treasury.
11) Choose an interesting title…titles are hard for me to come up with so when you are filling out your poster sketch you have all the extra time to come up with something catchy!

12) Do not make treasuries using different accounts at the same time. That is, if you have more than one account on Etsy you cannot have more than one treasury in the regular treasury or more than one in Treasury West using these different accounts. This is an Etsy rule and our team will abide by the rules set in place.

Here are some great things to do to help support you teams treasuries:

1)View the treasury….if you have two separate computers view the treasury with both.
2)Click on the featured items that you like or click on all of them!
3)Leave a nice comment to say well done to your team mate.
4) If you have a personal website you could post a link there so that your followers can also support/view it.

Tagging for better exposure:

It is very important to tag your items very well and to always use up all 14 of your allowed item tags. Not only will great tagging make it easier for your team member to find you for their treasuries but etsy admin makes a lot of their own treasuries for the front page and it will make it easier for them to find you too!
*What colors are in your item
*Is it seasonal? Would it make a good mothers/fathers/Baby Shower day gift?
*What is the material it is made out of?
*Eco Friendly
*Is there a certain shape to your item

Check out this article on tagging….very helpful:

Want to join our team?

We are a close-knit group of international Etsy sellers who sell beautiful products, and love to find other beautiful products to showcase in Treasuries!

Prior to contacting our Admin about joining TeamT International, please note that each member is accepted upon the following criteria:

1. A great team mate who can actively participate* in the group (see below for participation details),
2. Visually stunning product offering, and
3. Beautifully curated treasuries representing various categories and price points on Etsy.

Each potential member is decided based on a committee of selected TeamT members.

  • You are willing to make at least eight (8) treasuries per month featuring 8-16 team members (in TEast) and have time to support the other team treasuries by viewing, clicking on the featured items you like, and commenting. 
  • You have very well made, presented and photographed items that are front page quality!
  • You are able to communicate via the English language.
  • You are willing to be nice (even if mean natured) and willing to state your concerns with grace.

If you believe you qualify for this team, please convo Alice at PipingHotPapers to ask about joining.

This is a juried/invitation-only team, we will get back with you as soon as we can.

Team Treasuries Made.....

This is going to be an ongoing team list of treasury makers. When you make a team treasury, featuring at least 6 of your mates you will get a star next to your Shop Name. I think this will be motivating! I know it is for me...I want to have the MOST stars (:
The date before the shop names is the month the member joined so we can keep track of that too.

Note: * = 1 treasury; ^ = 5 treasuries

Who has made a Treasury:
5/09 BeckyM ***
5/09 Betsybdesign
6/09 BirdTrouble
6/09 BovineBubbles *
5/09 BrownBagVintage *
6/09 CarvelCountrySoaps *
5/09 CatherineReece ***
5/09 CyndieSmithDesigns ^**
6/09 Eclu *
6/09 EdensWake ^
6/09 Elefint
6/09 FiveForty ^
6/09 Glassetc **
6/09 Handamade ^^**
6/09 hcHappyCat *
5/09 InboundThreads *
6/09 Ixela ^
5/09 Jenji1
6/09 JennyNDesign ****
5/09 JenSanCandles *
5/09 JewelsOfEden
6/09 JuicyGraphics
5/09 KikisCrochet ^
5/09 LinenMe **
6/09 MagnaDesigns
5/09 Mamachee ^^*
6/09 Mandag **
5/09 MooShooPork/LittlePapoose ***
5/09 OrganicOdysseys/PolkaDotSandals/AlmostArtifacts ***
6/09 Pendantic **
5/09 PipingHotPapers ^****
5/09 PrintedCanvas1
6/09 SarahJohnAfana ^****
6/09 SmallEarthVintage **
5/09 SoapLane
5/09 Suili/PaperCutDieCut *
5/09 TheNightJar ***
5/09 TrendyKnitting ^
6/09 VintageAimee **
6/09 VintageConfections ^*

Whats Up....

Hi There!
Wow, we are up to 19 members now. I am having tons of fun getting to know all of you and seeing the treasuries that you are starting to make! I’m happy to see that your talent shows through not only your work but your treasuries too! I can’t wait to see what this team will look like in a month and even a year (so exciting)
Right now I am working on putting together a list of requirements for being able to join our team and a list for team members with suggestions on how to make nice treasures, how to support the teams treasuries better, and how to tag your items well so that your team members can find your items very easily.
I have lots of little ideas going through my head for this team and I look forward to working with you guys! I welcome (with open arms) any suggestions or ideas you have!
And remember that the more treasuries you make supporting your team members the more your team members will be inspired, not only to make there own treasury but to make one featuring you!

(: (Big Smile),

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hello! and welcome to our Team Treasury Blog. My name is Tara (Mamachee) and I am trying my best to get this team up and running as soon as I can. I sent out our team information to the etsy team director today and they said it will take about 5-7 business days to get the team information put together and registered.
While etsy is working on that I will be working on adding helpful information to this blog. If you guys have any ideas please contact me by sending me a convo to mamachee on etsy. If you guys have any of your own websites/blogs let me know that too so I can list them here.
I am going to try and be the best team leader I can be and I appreciate your patience. I listed all the team members on here, you should take a minute and visit each others shops (maybe say hi!) and start getting some inspiration for your first treasury. For now, until I figure out a better way to do it...just send me (mamachee) a convo when you get a treasury made and I'll make sure I let everybody know so they can support you and hopefully we can start getting each other some front page time! (woo-hoo)

Thank you guys for joining Team Treasury (TeamT). I look forward to seeing your treasuries! My hope is that we can all help each other achieve our goals!

If you are an etsy member that enjoys making treasuries and likes to be in them too contact Mamachee on to ask about membership.